Friday 15 December 2017

Ex-Post Syllabus

- Competition policy from a European perspective, Margrethe Vestager, EU Commissioner for Competition, Video here.
 Archer Daniel Midland Segment from 'Fair Fight in the Marketplace'here.- Competition Commission of Singapore: Apples Aplenty, hereA 2 Minute Wonderhere.

Overview of competition policy, here.
Sherman Act originalSection 1,
Art.101 TFEUhere.

- OECD, CARTELS INVOLVING INTERMEDIATE GOODS -- Background Paper by the Secretariat, here.
- OECD, Ex officio cartel investigations and the use of screens to detect cartels, pp.9-35here.
- Presentation on cartels and the oligopoly problem here.
- Cartel in the modeling sector: Presentation here.

Cartels and the international dimension
- OECD, Challenges of International Co-operation in Competition Law Enforcement here (as redacted!).

Vertical restraints
- video from 09:15 until 09:34:45, here 
- OECD, Vertical Restraints for On-line Sales, pp.5-21, here.
- Presentation: Vertical restraints and the digital transition here.
- OECD Hearing on Rate Parity, contributions by France, hereGermanyhereand United Kingdomhere
- The Coty Ruling on selective distribution and the platform ban here and here.

Online Platforms
- Video here (watched until 18:44)
- House of Lords, Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market, pp. 7-31here.

Abuse of dominant position
- Presentation here
- Unilateral Conduct Workbook, Chapter 2: Analytical Framework For Evaluating Unilateral Conduct, here;
- OECD, Fidelity Rebates, pp. 1-15, here;
- the ARA Case: Presentation here
- The Intel case: Presentation here;
- The Tetra Pak Case: Presentation here

The Google Shopping Case
- Press release, here.
- Commissioner Vestager's statement here. 
- Google, here
- Clifford Chance, The Google comparative shopping case, here
- Presentation here.

Tying and Bundling
- ICN, Tying and Bundling here.
- Presentation on Android, here

Intellectual Property and Competition Law
G. Napolitano, IP and Competition Enforcement in Developing and Emerging Economies, Presentation here

Merger Control
ICN, here.

Private Enforcement of Competition Law
Presentation here.