Tuesday 21 November 2017


- Competition policy from a European perspective, Margrethe Vestager, EU Commissioner for Competition, Video here.
Archer Daniel Midland Segment from 'Fair Fight in the Marketplace'here.- Competition Commission of Singapore: Apples Aplenty, hereA 2 Minute Wonderhere.

Overview of competition policy, here.
Sherman Act originalSection 1,
Art.101 TFEUhere.

- OECD, CARTELS INVOLVING INTERMEDIATE GOODS -- Background Paper by the Secretariat, here.
- OECD, Ex officio cartel investigations and the use of screens to detect cartels, pp.9-35here.
- Presentation on cartels and the oligopoly problem here.

Cartels and the international dimension
- OECD, Challenges of International Co-operation in Competition Law Enforcement here (as redacted!).

Vertical restraints
- video from 09:15 until 09:34:45, here 
- OECD, Vertical Restraints for On-line Sales, pp.5-21, here.
- Presentation: Vertical restraints and the digital transition here.
- OECD Hearing on Rate Parity, contributions by France, hereGermanyhereand United Kingdomhere

Online Platforms
- Video here (watched until 18:44)
- House of Lords, Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market, pp. 7-31here.

Abuse of dominant position
- Presentation here
- Unilateral Conduct Workbook, Chapter 2: Analytical Framework For Evaluating Unilateral Conduct, here;
- OECD, Fidelity Rebates, pp. 1-15, here;

The Google Shopping Case
- Press release, here.
- Commissioner Vestager's statement here. 
- Google, here
Clifford Chance, The Google comparative shopping case, here

Anything missing, apart from the group presentations? Thank you for your help!